Generating Traffic using Proxies and Bots and Automated Machines Users are Banned

Hello, dear Loyal Users!

We have Banned almost 21 Accounts Due to Fraud for Generating Traffic using Proxies and Bots and Automated Machines.

We will check and track for second time, every Successful download Counted after every payment requested too.


osamastar April 5, 2020
I would like to thank you for your wonderful website
And I have a simple problem which is that I receive the profits in the euro currency although the dollar is my main currency in the Paypal account
thethanh87 April 5, 2020
You can just switch to my paypal account. thank you very much
mohimat April 6, 2020
سأكتب باللغة العربية
شكرا لإدارة الموقع
storagepic April 14, 2020
FIX UPLOAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mahmun June 5, 2020
please put me through
Alizaynoor June 23, 2020
I don't receive any profit. Any veiw. Feeling disheartened.
Sabangu June 30, 2020
Pls I have a question about this wonderful platform, after uploading my files what is the next step to start earning?
Ahmed06 February 8, 2021
I don't receive any profit. Any veiw. Feeling disheartened.
AnnaWoreta April 4, 2022
I do'nt know if i should quit i'm not earning